I am a huge fan of treating our earth as gentle as possible, in order to protect the biodiversity, the many magnificent creatures it inhabits, for also future generations to experience. We need to take good care of both the environment and the climate. At HJULER DESIGN, I do what I can. And so do you, when buying products from me. Read more below.
1% for the climate and the environment
Every year, when the yearly turnover has been determined, 1% of all sales are donated to The Danish Nature Fund, a government regulated fund that buys up forests in Denmark in order to secure and protect more nature untouched by humans.
If you for instance buy a triangle shelf from HJULER DESIGN, a donation will be made in order to buy 1-2 m2 forest.
All the oak used comes from Danish and European forests bought through Danish distributers. I prefer to use wood from FSC or PEFC certified sources. For the moment my production is too small to maintain a certification on my own. I do hope to become certified soon though.
Neutral CO2 website
HJULER DESIGN is a participant in the climate initiative "CO2 neutral websites". The carbon emissions from both the website and the users of the website have been neutralized by the building of new renewable energy sources, various CO2 reducing projects and by the purchase of certified CO2 offsets, which are cleared by the relevant government institutions.
Environmentally friendly packing
I do what I can to protect the environment while packing. That is why I have joined Environmentally friendly packing. I try to reuse cardboard as often as I can, and I never use plastics, not even for filling or tape.
The workshop is run on windenergy
All my handtools are driven by energy from rugbrød, the traditional Danish black rye bread. All my machines are run on energy from windmills, from vindstø